速報APP / 生活品味 / Freezon: Gluten, lactose & other "free"

Freezon: Gluten, lactose & other "free"





版本需求:Android 5.0 以上版本



聯絡地址:Szeged, 6729, Udvardi utca 4

Freezon: Gluten, lactose & other

Freezon collects the World's restaurants and shops where people with allergies and intolerances or who follows special diets can find foods, drinks and goods for themselves.

Currently we list places with intolerances of gluten, dairy, egg or sugar and special diets for vegan, vegetarian or paleo.

Places found in the application are based on developers' collections and users send-ins and the list is continuously growing.

Users can also rate and review places in the Freezon app so they help each other to find worth-to-visit places.

They can also suggest modifications for the places listed in the app.

Freezon: Gluten, lactose & other

Featured diets are:

- gluten free

- dairy free

- egg free

- sugar free

- vegan or vegetarian

- paleo